


Atholl Robertson Atholl Robertson is a multidisciplinary Chartered Electrical and Mechanical Utilities Engineer with extensive experience in design and management in the Oil & Gas, Power and Chemical Industries


  • 40+ years’ total industrial experience
  • 30+ years in Lead / Senior Engineering / Management positions
  • 20+ years in Oil & Gas, remainder in Chemicals, Heavy Industry and Power Generation
  • 30+ years of software experience on various packages




  • MA (The University of St Andrews) 1970
  • C.Eng. (CEI Pt. II, B.Sc. equivalent) 1984
  • Graduate Diploma (Industrial Engineering, Witwatersrand) 1993
  • ME (Electrical & Electronic, Auckland) 1998
  • Bureau Veritas certified ISO9001:2008 Lead Auditor 2013
  • Diploma in Editing and Proofreading (Dip. Edit. NZIBS) 2017



  • Fellow of the Energy Institute, London.
  • Member of the Institute of Engineering & Technology, London.




Atholl has worked in senior roles in a variety of industries in the UK, Africa, the Middle East and Australasia. He has been associated with major companies including Refining NZ, National Chemical Products, Fluor, SNC-Lavalin, Siemens, Kentz, Bechtel and Toyo Engineering and also with leading consulting engineers.

Engineering Management

    • Recruited and managed a team of 14 Electrical and Control & Instrumentation Engineers to provide field engineering support for installation, testing and commissioning of the electrical and C&I equipment for 2 x 8.4MMt/a LNG trains, associated condensate recovery systems and for offsites and utilities.
    • Acting Engineering Manager of a multidisciplinary, multinational staff of 45 engineers, designers and document controllers handling FEED and project management consultancy for major oilfield projects. Responsible for Engineering Systems Management and instituted automated document reviews for document management system.
    • Carried out internal QA audits of engineering and construction departments.
    • Engineering co-ordinator for 11kV and 33kV power systems projects and for 132kV substations and overhead lines.
    • Services manager for cheese factory responsible for procurement and installation of boilers, air compressors, refrigeration units, 400V MCCs and services control system.


Electrical Engineering

  • Redesign control schematic and interlock for new single speed 6.6kV 4.5MW motor replacing a dual speed motor.
  • Engineer, design and sign off construction facility electrical drawings in compliance with AS/NZS3000, AS/NZS3008 and AS/NZS3012.
  • Power systems modelling at 132kV and 11kV using ETAP.
  • Review contractor electrical documentation and witness factory acceptance tests for electrical equipment for a gas booster station.
  • Electrical FEED for crude oil pump station.
  • Protection relay co-ordination studies and commissioning for 3.3kV generators on offshore platforms and for 6.6kV motors.
  • Balance of plant design for 1000MW power station including protection schemes for both the station (6.6kV and LV) and the interfaces to 132kV and 275kV feeders.
  • Preparation of Electrical FEED for upgrade of facilities and systems for oilfield gathering centre (33kV, 11kV and LV).
  • 3MW alternator refurbishment.
  • Evaluate on-load tap changer control options for 22kV transformers in an urban distribution system.
  • Commissioning and output trials for 4MW induction generator in a geothermal power plant.
  • Design of 3.3kV and 400V systems for an aluminium process gas treatment plant.
  • Specification, tender adjudication and procurement of transformers, 33kV, 11kV, 3.3kV and 400V switchgear, MCCs and UPS systems to Shell DEP for new aromatics plant.
  • Design of hardwired auto transfer system.
  • PLC controlled governor and autosynchronisation unit for 8MVA 6.6kV steam turbine driven alternator.


Mechanical Engineering

  • Evaporator surveys and heat recovery projects in a variety of industries: sugar, chemicals, foodstuff manufacturing.
  • Cogeneration feasibility studies: coal fired 20MW, coal fired 700MW, gas turbine combined cycle 350MW.
  • Steam bypass system testing and modelling of steam flow in high pressure drains vessel silencer.
  • Design of substation and control building HVAC systems.
  • Upgrade of power station fire protection system.
  • Failsafe TÜV Class 6 burner management system for industrial boiler.
  • Fuel control system for oil fired power station
  • Commissioning engineer for spray drier plant utilities.


Constructability Evaluation

  • Construction method for temporary location and subsequent connection of 132kV cables to 160MVA transformers.
  • Logistics and procedures for installing HV NER to coordinate with other construction works.
  • Risk analysis workshops for project FEED and construction phases.
  • 3-D model review of detailed design for gas booster station.
  • Changeover plan for replacing control building HVAC chiller units and ductwork without affecting production control facilities.
  • Conversion of triple effect evaporator and finisher to quadruple effect.


Technical Documentation

  • Electrical design and proposal documentation for 33kV auxiliary power system
  • Drafting and editing of method statements, procedures, technical queries, field trouble reports and quality plans.
  • Execution and method statements for 11kV power systems upgrade.
  • Preparation of technical proposals and commissioning procedures.
  • Preparation of operations and maintenance manuals.
  • Multidisciplinary engineering QA procedures manual.
  • Edited Masters and PhD Theses and journal papers.
  • Edited and proofread commercial website.



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